DLC Release: Eryck

It's here, the final DLC/bonus story for Snips & Snails! Of course, no otome game would be complete without a Valentine's Day bit, so although its a little late, you can now celebrate Valentine's Day with Eryck and you can bang the ghost if you want to lol! I am looking forward to moving onto my next game- which will be announced SOON! I've done a ton of drafting and scripting in the past few months for it while simultaneously working on the proverbial final chapter of Snips. 

I hope you cherish this final DLC as much as I did making it. 

Thanks again for all the support. I never would of thought I'd flourish as far as I have as a solo indie game dev. You guys are the best and every person who's shown any interest in Snips, from simple messages to me, comments, fanart, and even adding it to collections or wishlists, THANK YOU! Below are the links for any and everything you need from Lacydigital Studios.

Eryck's DLC

The rest of the boy's DLC:

Sullivan's DLC

Quinn's DLC

Yuuto's DLC

Snips & Snails on Steam:

We still need to meet 10 reviews on steam!

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